Family & Consumer Sciences

Family & Consumer Sciences

Family & Consumer Sciences

FCS Extension programs aim to improve the quality of individual and family life through education, research, and outreach.

What is Family & Consumer Sciences (FCS)?

FCS stands for Family and Consumer Sciences Extension. FCS programming focus on building assets of individuals and families to address problems faced across the lifespan. Family and Consumer Sciences Extension emphasizes well-being with a focus on human development, parenting, resource management, nutrition, health and leadership development.

At the community level, FCS Extension prepares individuals for community and economic development and activity. Professionals in Family and Consumer Sciences Extension provide the tools to help individuals and families to develop resources for strengthening families and building community for an ever changing society.


UK Extension FCS logo


Interested in becoming a member of the Clay County Homemakers?

See information below on each club offered. If you have any questions, give us a call at (606)598-2789. We always welcome new members and new club ideas. Homemaker dues are $12 annually.

Homemaker Clubs

Would you like to learn how to make beautiful greeting cards? Join our Homemaker Card Making Club, led by Gail Voyles! We meet the 2nd Tuesday of every month at 1:00 p.m. at the Clay County Extension Office. We always welcome new members. If you are not already a paid Homemaker, dues are $12 annually. Your annual Homemaker dues allow you to join any of our Homemaker Clubs.

The Create & Inspire club, led by Lona Cornett, will meet on the 2nd Friday of each month from 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM at the EXCEL Building, 86 Muddy Gap Road (Behind McDonald's). Club members will be able to work on their choice of enjoyable hobbies, whether it be quilting, painting, embroidery, or whatever they would like to bring. Bring your project and join us for a creative and inspiring day! If you are not already a paid Homemaker, dues are $12.00 annually. Call 598-2789 for more information.

If you would like to enjoy the benefits of a regular Extension Homemaker Club member without committing to attend a regularly scheduled club meeting, you may want to become a member-at-large.

The Pins & Needles Homemaker Club is led by Laura Garrison and meets the 3rd Saturday of every month at 10:00 a.m. at the EXCEL building, 86 Muddy Gap Road. This club always welcomes new members! Bring your materials and join us with your sewing projects. Don’t know how to sew, no problem...we will teach you! If you’re not already a paid homemaker, dues are $12 annually. Call 598-2789 for more information.

If you love cooking and trying new recipes, join our Homemaker Recipe Club!!! We will not meet in person; all you have to do is call to be added to our list! Once we have your contact information, you will receive 3 new recipes in the mail each month! We encourage you to try these at home with your family, take pictures and let us know what you think! If you are not already a paid Homemaker, dues are $12.00 annually. Call 598-2789 for more information.

FCS Events

Holiday Ideas

- Clay County Extension Office

Get a head start on the holidays!

Card Making Club

- Clay County Extension Office

Make your own greeting cards!

Create & Inspire Club


Bring your unfinished projects!

Mental Health Mondays: Simple Stitched Canvases

- Clay County Extension Office

Join us for stress reduction techniques!

WTA Annual Extension Homemakers Meeting

- Bell Central School Center

All Things Kentucky!

Pins & Needles Homemaker Club


Sew much fun!

Get the Beef on Beef Workshop

- Clay County Extension Office

Which cuts of beef work best?

Holiday Cooking School

- London Community Center

Get your ticket before sold out!

Brandy Napier

Extension Agent, Family and Consumer Science

(606) 598-2789 Clay County Extension Office 69 Jameson Road, Manchester, Kentucky 40962-0421

Contact Information

69 Jameson Road P.O. Box 421 Manchester, KY 40962-0421

(606) 598-2789